Hey College
Students 👋🏻👨‍🎓

Need Extra Money for Books This Semester?  Well, we have the perfect opportunity for you!

We are giving away $500 to 1 college student who reads The Prophetic Matrix™️: Unlock the Secret Code to Your Destiny by Michael-John Toste and gives an honest review in a 2-3 minute video that will be featured on our social media pages. We are also giving out an 10 additional $50 prizes for written reviews! 

This ebook is provided for free during the contest

Winners will be chosen once 100 completed videos and 100 written reviews have been submitted by contestants. 

The Prophetic Matrix™ and author Michael-John Toste will have exclusive rights to use all submissions: videos, audios, and written reviews for our media and marketing campaign.

Note: This contest is for a limited time. You will have 21 days to read the book and submit your video and written review. Please include your name and location in your review.

Note: You go back to Gleam to upload your video review.

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